
Online Low Temperature Plasma Seminars

A series of bi-weekly online plasma-related seminars have been organized in order to keep the low temperature plasma (LTP) community together. Dr. Cristina Canal, APACHE project leader, will offer a conference on "How can we exploit biomaterials for the benefit of plasma medicine" on June, 9th.

Because of the COVID-19 pandemic situation, most scientific conferences, workshops, and symposia have been cancelled or postponed. The unfortunate consequence of this is that the low temperature plasma (LTP) community, like many other research communities, is now isolated without the opportunity to meet, network, and learn what’s new in our field. To remedy this situation, a series of bi-weekly online seminars have been organized.

The seminar organizing committee has selected several outstanding speakers to participate by giving a 25-30 minutes lecture followed by 10-15 minutes discussion. You can check out the program by clicking here.

Dr. Cristina Canal, APACHE project leader, will offer a conference on "How can we exploit biomaterials for the benefit of plasma medicine.

The seminars, held on Tuesdays at 9:00 AM EST via Zoom, is free to access from anywhere in the world. For more information, and to request the Zoom link and password, you should contact Prof. Mounir Laroussi (Old Dominion University), at this direction: